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A balancing device for crushers, fans, mulchers, augers on combines, shafts, centrifuges, turbines,


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Balanset-1A is a convenient and compact device for balancing and vibration analysis of various rotor mechanisms. If you have crushers, fans, mulchers, centrifuges, or any other rotating equipment, this device will definitely come in handy.


Vibrometer Mode:

Tachometer: Provides accurate RPM readings.

Phase: Determines rotor position and phase angle for balancing.

1x Vibration: Shows the main frequency of vibration.

FFT Spectrum: Displays a full spectrum of vibration frequencies.

Overall Vibration: Tracks the overall vibration level.

Measurement Log: Keeps a record of all measurements for subsequent analysis.

Rotor Balancing Mode:

Single-Plane Balancing: Corrects imbalance in one plane.

Two-Plane Balancing: Balances rotors in two planes when needed.

Polar Diagram: Graphically displays where to place balancing weights.

Session Recovery: Resumes balancing from the last session.

Tolerance Calculator: Calculates permissible imbalance per ISO 1940.

Grinding Wheel Balancing: Provides exact balancing for grinding wheels.

Graphical Displays:

Overall Charts: Shows how the whole system behaves.

1x Graphs: Represents the vibration at the main frequency.

Harmonic Graphs: Shows the influence of harmonic frequencies.

Spectral Graphs: Provides a detailed view of all frequencies.

Extra Features:

Archive: Retains all past balancing sessions.

Reports: Generate detailed reports of results.

Rebalancing: Enables simple rebalancing.

Serial Production: Ideal for mass production settings.

Included in the Package:

Measurement Block: Interface for data acquisition.

Two Vibration Sensors: For accurate vibration analysis.

Laser Tachometer: Optical sensor with a magnetic mount.

Digital Scales: For precise weight measurements.

Software: Separate laptop required.

Transport Case: Protective case for transportation.

Why It’s Great:

Balanset-1A is straightforward, affordable, and feature-rich, perfect for rapid and accurate balancing in manufacturing environments.

Price: 1949 $.

This equipment is easy to operate and is well-suited for both small workshops and large factories.

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